Dr. WoodsThomas Merton once said there is no aspect of the interior life, no kind of religious experience, no spiritual need of humanity that is not depicted and lived out in the Psalms. This summer we start a spiritual formation series as a church family "Reading Thru The Psalms." 

The reading plan will cover two Psalms a day starting June 23 and ending Sept 6. If you fall behind in your reading, use the last week of each month to catch up. Meanwhile, each week you are invited to post your comments below or on the church Facebook page for your reflections and thoughts. These posts will serve as a virtual congregation to share issues of faith. Also be on the lookout for suggested resources to aid in your readings.

Dr. A. Louis Patterson, the recently deceased pastor of Mount Corinth Church in Houston, TX, once said the way to obtain more faith is through hearing more of the word of God. Through our spiritual formation summer series, the entire FBC-W congregation will be reading the same passages of scripture and praying, as well as reflecting upon their meaning individually and as the body of Christ at First Baptist Church-West.

One Psalm says thou word is a light into my path and a lamp unto my way. Let’s follow the light together as we look to grow in grace and knowledge of things concerning the faith.

p.s. Feel free to use a nickname if you prefer to remain anonymous.

Dr. Ricky A. Woods
Senior Pastor
First Baptist Church-West 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014 7:44 PM

Week 1 June 23-29

Tuesday, May 20, 2014 7:44 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2014 7:44 PM

Psalms 1-14

Verse of the Week: Psalm 3:3
But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the one who lifts my head high.

As we start our Summer Spiritual Formation Series through the Psalms, I hope you will be blessed by hearing the poetry, rhythm and prayers of fellow travelers of faith. Psalms 1-14 focus primarily upon the need for God's protection and deliverance in times of trouble and trials.

The psalmist is honest with us about what it means to be a person of faith. It does not exempt one from difficulty but being a person of faith means having One to go to in times of difficulty. Over and over the psalmist tells us of the power of God as a source of deliverance. Faith in God's ability to deliver was enough to keep the psalmist moving forward even in hard times.

Maybe our ancestors gained their sense of God's delivering power from the psalmist when they declared He may not come when you want Him but when He comes, He's right on time. Remember no matter what you go through or may be going through, you serve a God who is a deliverer and is always right on time. --Pastor Woods

Recommended Readings:
The Spirituality of the Psalms -- Walter Brueggemann
Reflections on the Psalms -- C.S. Lewis
Answering God:  The Psalms as a Tool for Prayer -- Eugene Peterson 



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